There is absolutly no where in the entire bible that said that this is ok.... no never!!!! but for the husband to give himself for his wife, and for him to love her as his own body... so if he want someone to beat his body to correct him.. then I guess he would be an abuser... as we all know that a man who hit a woman is a coward... and it is done only out of pride and self esteam.. for he can't control her with wisdom so he can't feel as if he is great enough for her so he try to belittle her by abuse, hoping he can get control and feel like "the Man" yet it makes him even less than a man, knowing pride wont let him see how ignorant and small he really is. and hopefuly she will have him locked up before she try to kill him, read the bible you will see there is absolutly no where God gave or give man permission to hit a woman, he never said that man was to be boss of woman, just that the women are to depend on their own husbands and men are to depend on his own wife, that is what subject to me in the bible.... woman was to depend on God at first, but since sin entered in, she would not be able to hear or talk to God for help, God said she is now have to depend on her husband... but her curse was she would be in great pain in child bearing,,, with the meds they have today..praise God.. that curse is even Amen. Hope that helps if not I will give more scriptures to show this should not be so.