I used to wonder why we focus on good works not being a part of our salvation because it is our work if we are a part of our Fathers Kingdom. In fact Messiah has said as much. "Who is my mother, brother, etc..." What is the defining attribute our Lord says next? Mark 3: 35, Matt 12: 50, "does the will of my Father in Heaven.". The reitousness of the commands of God in other words have not been done away with as the condemnation has been. Neither has the grace of God spontaneously made you obedient to the law of God or His Messiah. The reitousness of the Instructions inspired by YHWH have been given a life giving Spirit rather than death and condemnation that it used to bring mankind through Israel to its knees in worship of the one true God. Because YHWH does however desire that mankind worship him in truth and spirit he sent Yeshua Messiah to bring us close to the covenants and even give the helper Spirit to lead us into all truth. This should bring us all to keep the commands out of love for them and God. Just a thought to think about, is it our hearts of wickedness that pervert this truth? That if we are "saved" we keep the commands and testimony of Yeshua Messiah and we rest in the sign of the covenants as he does.