Unfortunately, what is going on here, as I have frequently seen on this site, and as is human nature, people do not like top be informed that something they may be doing is destructive in some way.
They want to stay in there comfort zones and hold onto to their pleasurable comfy beliefs for dear life.
They do not want to look below the surface at the deep facts and resent someone else telling them they have believed a lie, have been deceived, or are wrong.
Food and pleasure is especially a sensitive area. No one likes to be told they addicted, or that they have low self control with certain things, or that they are responsible for their health, rather then their doctor.
If people actually believed that coffee were not good, they would be faced with a decision most of them could not do.
God forbid anyone in this its all good society tell someone else that what they are doing may have negative consequences.
We should only be unconditionally supportive, just like the world tells us we should be. You know, your valuable and same gender sex is okay, so do not let anyone tell you different. Just tell them they are haters and don't understand you.