I do not think that saying the truth is attack. Or... it can be, but such an attack is a right one.
Actually, he agreed with us that muslims are radicalized and not integrated. He just does not want us to talk about it and begin to attack us.
It is not being terrified, it is having more experiences. Western EU countries have some kind of muslim terrorist attack almost every week. And more and more muslims are coming, last year over a million. From war zones. Young men. Nobody knows who they are.
So the situation in Europe is much more "hot" than in the USA.
To want order, peace and security for us and our countries is not a spirit of fear. Its a common sense.
I want to apologize. I meant to write that, in the first part of this latter part of the thread. Of course, you have more fear, because you live with it daily. Not sure about others, though!
Our country is being gradually taken over by Muslims. Trudeau being the prime example, and all he is doing to make Islam protected and more acceptable. He has two top advisers, who were his campaign managers who are not just Muslim, but working towards Sharia law in Canada.
This is frightening to me. I admit! But reflecting, why did Trudeau become radicalized and leave his Christian roots? Was it because no Christian shared the good news of Jesus Christ, whereas the Muslims actively sought to convert him? He had a rotten home life, and was targeted by Muslims. Where were the born again Christians?
I am seeing the blame game all over this thread. But we have no one to blame but ourselves, for not being part of a society that has been transformed by the power of God. Canada has been subjected to many waves of immigrants, but none perhaps took hold in high levels of government, like Islam.
I am ashamed that I am part of the problem! Again, the problem being, that I am not being bold in my Christian witness! I am not sharing the amazing changes the living God made in my life. This is not a primarily a political issue, although it may seem like it. This is a spiritual battle, and attacking the natural world with our anger and fear is not going to win the spiritual war!
Attacking Islam is never going to win anyone to Christ. And yes, I do believe you have the right to protect yourselves. But how much better to pray and win this war through prayer, fasting and witnessing to the glory of God as revealed in Christ Jesus?