This thread is the epitome of irony!
It also symbolizes as well as literally demonstrates how CC has changed over the last while.
It used to be against the rules to even say a word about why a person was banned. Now we have a whole thread dedicated to it. Calls for the mods to close the thread have been ignored. Disagreements from the BDF have been dragged into the thread, which have nothing to do with the topic.
People seem to think Utah should be given "another" chance. Except no one knows what he did, so how can we know whether it is appropriate to let him try the forum again? I'm not saying Utah did this, but it could be something that might warrant arrest. We don't know! We don't know if it is appropriate to give any banned person another chance.
Plus, people rarely get banned anymore. And before they get banned, they are warned. So I have to assume, Utah was warned, and he chose to ignore the warnings. So he had his second chance. And whatever he did, it had to have been serious enough that he was banned.
I liked Utah, most of the time. He had a lot of wisdom. But he was self righteous, and I did see him post more than once that Liberals should die. That is simply unacceptable!
I agree this thread should be closed!