I like astronomy...entered a science fair at age 12 and built a solar model...and o doubt on navigating by the stars....I have a few apps I like Sky Map and Sky View.....the latter just downloaded today....free app for smart phones....The first on the list is signs in Genesis as applied unto the sun, moon and stars.....good stuff
I like to meditate on the verse that says - as high as the stars are above earth so are My ways above your ways and My thoughts above man's humanistic thoughts says the Lord.
Some in this thread have a humanistic mindset approach to the gospel of the finished work of Christ which is why having a new heart that was cleansed by the blood of Jesus and created new is a mystery to them.
The new creation in Christ is a mystery to them. The righteousness of God in Christ given as a gift to us that believe is a mystery to them.
Just how far is the farthest star from earth that we know of now? I found this about a galaxy. The galaxy is about 13.3 billion light-years from Earth,
This is how far above God's "ways" and thoughts are compared to man's humanistic ways of thinking.