its independant coz it can exist in a single cell life or energy that is. entities also have energy.. thats why sometimes the tv goes funny or your radio or mobile phone suddenly goes funny..
is not a tv, radio or phone the sum of whole parts?
Neither component within them are autonomous or independent of each other.
They all depend on each other.
However they are not logical free thinking parts and therefore cannot exsist without each other.
To me we have the conscious, this is what we know.
The sub conscious is what we don't know but is what the conscious has buried deep down in our soul.
They are not independent of each other. The conscious dictates the sub conscious.
The conscious will bury the hurts, pains, negatives so will not recall it. A self defence mechanism.
Its the brain that does this.
I can turn the TV off and then turn it on.
If it does not turn on then a component has malfunctioned.
It will not work.
However I go to sleep I wake up and I will still live, my conscious works even though I still have a sub conscious.