your 1 example of you saying you were mature is countered with me saying i took care of myself at 14
i have never seen you
if you wanna go back and forth i can start listing the examples in my life
we will also have to come to an understanding on what we are both saying when we say "mature"
but we may have to agree to disagree
because even if you listed 100 examples with proof
of women being "mature" (depending on what you mean by mature)
i can very simply and honestly list 100 immature women at any age
or 100 mature men of the equal ages you list
this is a subjective arguement over a statement you made that isnt a fact....
ive seen 0 evidence of THIS statement
:Girls mature faster than boys.
A 15 year old is a child to a 15 year old girl:
not that either CAN be mature
just that girls mature faster
im not even saying its the other way around
im saying what you said isnt fact
also i HAVE seen evidence to the opposite
but it doesnt matter
because its still subjective
we are all individuals
and have our own experiences
so just because 90% of the time i see examples of it being equal
or the opposite
doesnt mean the lets say i dunno .... 20000 people i met
is the standard
and even if there was a "standard"
how this is decided on is what matters
and even still... there will be exceptions
i still have seen 0 evidence of what you said being true
not proof... but even evidence