it is a quandry, isn't it?
and yet so many of the you DON'T need works (they do not seem to understand what the works are and I will post that another time) seem to be very keen on having a MINISTRY of great importance with all the sign gifts, gifts of the Holy Spirit, miracles following (if you can call laughing hysterically for no reason and braying like a donkey a miracle) and dancing and generally have a grand old time that never stands up to the day to day grind of life and god forbid that God would ever just have a regular good ole life like He does for most of us because we need to learn to STAND before we can walk and certainly walk, which is so boring compared to running or flying like a eagle
I may not make sense in the above but I am convinced a few might get it...LOL!
and yet so many of the you DON'T need works (they do not seem to understand what the works are and I will post that another time) seem to be very keen on having a MINISTRY of great importance with all the sign gifts, gifts of the Holy Spirit, miracles following (if you can call laughing hysterically for no reason and braying like a donkey a miracle) and dancing and generally have a grand old time that never stands up to the day to day grind of life and god forbid that God would ever just have a regular good ole life like He does for most of us because we need to learn to STAND before we can walk and certainly walk, which is so boring compared to running or flying like a eagle
I may not make sense in the above but I am convinced a few might get it...LOL!
true faith works. False faith does not
people who have no works are not saved not because of lack of work, it lack of fair (James 2)
we do not see need of works works because we see need of the cross, to our self righteousness.