And here I was thinking I was the doubting Thomas, this man DJ2 gives me a run for my money.
I have no doubt that Jesus Christ the son of Mary is the Lord of Heaven and Earth.
I have no doubt of His virgin birth, His lineage to sit on the throne of David, His ministry as the Son of Man to a lost and hurting world.
I have no doubts that He walked as both totally human and totally God. I have no doubts that He was tempted by Satan, walked on water, healed the sick, raised the dead, fed thousands with 5 loaves and 2 fish.
I have no doubt He forgave the sinners, gave sight to the blind and turned water into wine.
I have no doubt He allowed Himself to be arrested, tortured and hung on a cross as a sacrifice to atone for the sins of man.
I have no doubt that He died and was raised on the third day, was witnessed by many, ascended to heaven, sits at the right hand of the Father and will come again to take His followers to paradise.
I believe all of this and much more because I have
no doubt that the Bible is the Word of God.
During my 34 years as a Christian I have never seen a single supernatural event to support my belief. Yet I believe.
I am not a doubting Thomas, I am a believer.
Because I disagree with many on this thread about assurance does not mean I doubt, it means I disagree.
I could easily turn the subject around and claim you are a doubting Thomas since you doubt the need to be ever watchful.
But I will not.