I am waiting and have provided proof and bumped this 3x now....Calling preacher4truth.....
Notice you left off the most important part of my post....this proves you have a closed mind...just because you think something is untrue does not make it untrue...now to be the spiritual adult here, let me show my entire post to you versus the proof-text you did on my post, so people can judge for themselves....notice the bold parts please
Here are some links that have other links to prove the point....
Perhaps the best record is this one:
http://www.john-uebersax.com/plato/cp.htm<<<<his list links to the historical records.
I also suppose you would outright deny that when Paul preached at Mars Hill, he was not quoting two Greek Poets in Acts 17.28 which is taken from 2 poems/hymns written by 2 Greek men to Zeus...1 an astronomer and poet and the other a Greek Stoic...and were most likely...Aratus and Cleanthes
Christian Platonism is what birthed Gnostic doctrine and was rapidly invading the Early Church in the 1-4 centuries
Gnostics originated in Alexandria and mingled with the early Christian church in the 1st century....this is why John sent his 3 letters out to the churches because the Church as becoming heavily influenced by syncretism.....This is why he wrote 1 John 2.19 and why that verse has zero to do with salvation or eternal security and should no be used as a bully wielding billy club to judge salvation...by saying with arrogance....oh that person, they were never saved to begin with....John knew those who had invaded the church were not believers....he was warning other churches about Platonic and Gnostic influences that are the spirit of antichrist...
For the record, I am also available if you would like me to come to your next cookout and cut your steak, separate your veggies and taters and get your favorite sippee cup filled with Juice for you as well....
Now put up or shut up about this....because your closed mind to all things Calvin is limiting your otherwise great wisdom on discerning false teachings...