It Is Time To Talk Impeachment
1. to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal ofmisconduct in office.
Pathological lying is a form of “misconduct in office” making it an impeachableoffence
1. to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal ofmisconduct in office.
Pathological lying is a form of “misconduct in office” making it an impeachableoffence
We, the citizens of this great Nation must act NOW
What say you, fellow Americans-?
Pathological lying (also called pseudologia fantastica andmythomania) is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.[1][2]It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck.[2]Although it is a controversial topic,[2]pathological lying has been defined as "falsification entirelydisproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and verycomplicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime".[1]Individuals may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling thetruth
Psychotherapy appears to be one of the only methods to treat a person sufferingfrom pathological lying. No research has been performed regarding the use ofpharmaceutical medication to treat pathological liars
Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body formally levelscharges against a high official of government.Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office; it is only a formalstatement of charges, akin to an indictment in criminal law, andis thus only the first step towards removal. Once an individual is impeached,he or she must then face the possibility of conviction via legislative vote,which then entails the removal of the individual from office.
Presidential Impeachment Process
Presidential Impeachment is a two stage Constitutional process.The full power of Impeachment and the removal of a sitting Presidentresides within Congress. The actual impeachment of a President is thesole power of the House of Representatives. Once a President is impeached,the power of removing the President shifts to the U.S. Senate.
The House of Representatives starts the impeachment process by publiclyinvestigating the charges and holding hearings. If the House of Representativesvotes against impeachment the process is over and the President is notImpeached.
If the House of Representatives votes for Impeachment of the President, theprocess moves forward with the drawing up of the Articles of Impeachment (Theofficial criminal charges for removal from office). The President has now beenofficially impeached per the UnitedStates Constitution. Once the Impeachment process is final,trials are then held in the U.S. Senate to convict or acquit the President ofthe Articles of Impeachment drawn against him.
It Is Time ToTalk Impeachment
b.t.w. 30 days in jail would bring him back down to earth aswell
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