Meh. My hubby never particularly liked my dad. Not really a problem, since I see why most wouldn't like Dad. He's still my dad though and I still love him.
BUT I married hubby. I just got Dad by birth. So, after hubby just couldn't hack going to family gatherings anymore, he stopped going. (My oldest brother is very much like Dad too, so hubby couldn't hack him either. I really see his point there, except time marches on and everyone grew up eventually.) I went. Not every time, but I went.
You chose your husband. He's your family now. You seem to be trying to keep your feet in two boats and the boats have parted ways. Worse yet, you caused that, since you did involve your parents, and you did keep telling them every single reason you are annoyed with hubby. What else were they supposed to think? He's the jerk hurting their little girl!
Do you even tell what good things he does, or do you just go home to mommy and daddy every time you have a problem with hubby?
My dad loves my husband. He has no idea the feeling isn't mutual. And mostly because the only reason he would know is if I told him. Same thing with my oldest brother. I don't go around gossiping negatively about my husband, so the only way anyone could find anything negative about hubby is if they spent time around him. (And, I must say, they'd still be hard-pressed to find anything negative about him.)
Here's a song I go by. Because "you've got to be wise, and keep your mouth shut. Don't advertise your man." It's not just what other woman do. It's also how we talk to our friends and family about our husbands.
You've got some major problems in your marriage, but not the ones you think. You've managed to reduce your husband to a mouse turd in a bowl of raisins. That's how you picture him. That's how your family pictures him. AND he knows it now.
Time to grow up. Remember why you married him? Good, because that guy is still there. Appreciate him. And stop making him your whipping boy. Always look for the positive in our mate. If we get so self-centered everything is about us, then this is what happens. The marriage falls apart. Stop thinking your family is involved with your marriage. Your husband IS your family. Your biological family isn't anymore. You still expect your life to revolve around your biological family? Then why did you get married? To me, my biological family is part of my extended family now. Still family, but like cousins. Love them, but they aren't my main life anymore. Hubby is.
You have yet to learn that, and this is where that has lead you.
You can go see your family at times. Don't expect hubby has to go with you. Where does that lead you for the holidays? It ought to lead you home and with your husband for Thanksgiving and Christmas. My family gathers together after New Years, because one brother works on all holidays. (Chef, and some go out to eat, instead of cook for themselves.) Holidays are always home with my family. I married my family.
And, lo and behold, 36 years later, hubby is no longer annoyed by my family, so he comes with me when he can. They still love him, because they never heard anything negative about him.
That's the freedom of choosing spouse over biological family.