Well, this ramble, with all the ellipses, is quite something! So, what is missing in all those places? Trailing off because you forgot what you were saying? Incoherent and couldn’t finish the sentence? Besides making it more difficult to read the text, you have overused a punctuation technique you know nothing about.
Let’s start with this:
Let’s start with - Jesus is God. That means he, even in his human body, had access to all knowledge and wisdom, besides power and glory and honour.
YOU are not God. Not even close. Do not presume to compare yourself to Jesus. Do not pretend you know the Bible as well as Jesus - like all the other young Jewish boys, growing up in Palestine in the 1st century, Jesus had memorized the Torah. Feel free to get yourself started on that project. And he also knew large tracts of other parts of the OT, as evidenced by his quotes throughout the gospels.
But even more important, he was able to apply that wisdom, because he was the unique and only Son of God!
It is almost blasphemy when you compare yourself to Jesus. It is blasphemy when you claim you can do the same things as Jesus did.
No, you did not offer sound Biblical advice on parenting. Why? Because you have not had to test your “theories” in the crucible of actually raising children. My husband thought he knew all there was to know about parenting, when our children were born. He admitted after a few years, that his application of Biblical principles were wrong! The Bible was not wrong, but his personal application was. Four children taught him that. But, fortunately, in spite of mistakes we might have made, our children knew how much we loved them, and that is one of the Biblical things that helped them thrive.
Perhaps if you had trained as a teacher or psychologist or some other profession that worked with children, your opinions might have more weight, simply because of your experience and training. But no, you choose to sit in an ivory tower, dictating to the poor OP what he MUST do, and then attacking everyone else for pages with your semi-automatic machine gun. Even if you were right, your lack of love for other Christians, and your lack of love for children shines through your massive amount of posts.
As for quoting the Bible, perhaps you need to look at how few times you quoted the Bible, compared to say, Marc, or others. Another telling sign, is you only threw a few isolated verses down from the OT. The NT is the covenant we are under. The words of Jesus would be more appropriate. Perhaps this one might have been a better choice.
”Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them.14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15 When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.” Mat 19:13-14
The only blessing I can really find, is that you actually do not have children, and so didn’t damage them with your ridiculous ideas and your ungodly character. You tried to assasinate numerous people on this thread. You diverted attention from the original poster, and literally NEVER came back to addressing him, and what he was going through. In fact, I think it would be fair to say that YOU, and you alone drove the OP away.
I’ll let you in on a little secret. When you set yourself up as a demagogue, declare yourself to have all knowledge and application for the Bible, you have established yourself as a want-to-be petty dictator and cult leader. When people disagreed with you, you jumped down their throats. You kept screaming “me, me, me! I know it all!”
Now, if you had exegeted the Hebrew of the OT and the Greek of the NT, and given a cultural and historical background, plus how your children grew up well, using your principles (they really stopped being Biblical principles when you claimed exclusivity with those verses), and got to know people before posting over 50 posts on one thread, trying to prove your superiority, we would not be having this conversation. It would not have mattered so much whether you were a newbie or not, had you offered sound advice in love, on the issue.
Instead, I have to question if you have ever read the Bible or studied. I question whether you go to church, or don’t because people won’t accept that you are right on whatever you choose to pronounce yourself right, because “Jesus didn’t have children!” Do you even read what you write?
Finally, this is a mellow forum where people hel people, who are going through crises in their lives. It is not a forum for rigid and inflexible pronouncements from someone who has NOT “been there, done that!” If I may direct you to the BDF, the Bible Discussion Forum, which is one level above this forum on the home page. There, you can fight with people for 100’s of pages on a variety of topics. Instead of trashing the poor OP who just wanted help with his son, and every other person who offered him advice that wasn’t identical to yours.
I can hardly wait to meet you in the BDF, where I will go toe to toe with you about exegeting the Bible correctly, and doctrine as well as application of that doctrine and all aspects of the Bible.