Repentance in the Lordship salvation doctrine is turning from sin, the call to repentance in the scripture is a call to changes one mind from trying to save themselves via good works or the law to Jesus who is Savior to all who personally believe in what He has accomplished for them.
includes turning from sin.
"I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds."-Acts 26:20
Repentance means changing your mind about righteousness, sin, and the Judgment to come and growing up into a new life that demonstrates that change of mind. No change of life, generally speaking,
indicates no change of mind.
The lordship salvation doctrine adds works (turn from sin) to conversion
It says that if Christ is not Lord, as evidenced by your obedience to him as Lord, then you are not converted. This is a basic tenant of Calvinism. Which most Christians agree with......I mean used to agree with. Free/Hyper grace is winning the day now and excusing unrepentant sin in the so-called believer. Obedience is now you trying to save yourself, while living in your old unchanged life is you trusting God for salvation. We're in a very sad place........just before the return of Christ. This is the great falling away, IMO.
and also promotes that works must be evident (at all times) to demonstrate conversion.
No, not at all times. Conversion is demonstrated in one's spiritual
The saved person must be growing up into ever increasing deeds of the Spirit as the expected outcome of one who is a new creation in Christ. The person who is not growing up into Christ and is still living unchanged in their old life is, ultimately, showing that they are not born again and are not a new creation in Christ.