So I've read some of this post and I see that there are a lot of varying opinions on here. I want to share my personal experience with marijuana and my decision to cut it out of my life completely.
For the past year I have smoked weed almost every single day with my roommates. It became a habit for us and something we began to look forward to every night. But then I came to Jesus. I looked at my life from another perspective and this is what I saw: instead of spending my nights doing productive things, I was clouding my mind, altering my state, and making myself tired, lazy, and stupid. It doesn't matter that I was doing that every day, ANY day you smoke weed that's what it does to you. I knew who I WANTED to be and who I WAS and they didn't match. I wasn't going to be the godly influence on my friends that I wanted to be, I wasn't going to be the productive, intelligent woman I wanted to be... I needed to change. And a big step for me was cutting out weed. I knew I needed to but I knew it would be hard. Praise God for he freed me of those chains. He broke that habit for me and now, instead of a desire to smoke weed, I am repulsed by it and see the damage it can cause in people's lives, even as an occasional smoker. Even my friends now have begun to see sense in not smoking through the changes in my own life... and they have begun making efforts to cut down/stop as well. And I see how much happier it makes them. I think that it's easy to look for "loopholes" that seem to excuse smoking marijuana as not a sin... and maybe it's not one... but all I know is what it does to your mind and body, and why would you want to do that continually? Pretty sure God wants us to have clear minds so they can be filled with spiritual things... not clouded minds filled with stupidity. Just a thought.