The problem with homosexually, isn’t that it’s the worst sin. In God’s eye all
sin separates. All sin renders us unholy and lost. All sin is so serious that
Christ died for us.
I think though the problem with homosexualty is the way it’s flaunted and
promoted as if it’s normal. It is corrupting society and corrupting the hearts
and minds of children in most so called developed countries.
I don’t know what it’s like in other countries but in the UK when a child starts
school. Parents are now asked what gender does their child identify as!
I may be old school but I’m sure God created make and female. So wants with
all of this, non gender specific business, or trans, bi etc.
We even had a case over here recently where two people (sorry just can’t call
them mother and mother!). Did not want to register the sex of their child on their
babies birth certificate, they wanted the child to decide their own gender when
they got older.
What’s that all about!
The entire issue of gender and homosexuality is permeating each
generation like nothing else on earth.
If people who are gay want to seek God and turn from their ways. Learn
what the bible actually says. Then great.
However very few do, they just want to push their own corruption
onto everyone else and make them accept it as normal.
Did you know there is even a gay bible. I was shocked when I found out.
How perverse is that. It’s called the Queen James Bible!
Ps I have a brother who is gay, I love him to bits he never pushes his
Lifestyle or flaunts it on anyone else. I disagree with his lifestyle and he
thinks I’m nuts for believing in God. It doesn’t mean we can’t still care
for each other. He doesn’t push his agenda and I don’t push mine.
I still pray for him though.
My concern is that when society starts to normalise that which is
completely not normal and which goes against the very core of
society and family, we know we are in trouble.
sin separates. All sin renders us unholy and lost. All sin is so serious that
Christ died for us.
I think though the problem with homosexualty is the way it’s flaunted and
promoted as if it’s normal. It is corrupting society and corrupting the hearts
and minds of children in most so called developed countries.
I don’t know what it’s like in other countries but in the UK when a child starts
school. Parents are now asked what gender does their child identify as!
I may be old school but I’m sure God created make and female. So wants with
all of this, non gender specific business, or trans, bi etc.
We even had a case over here recently where two people (sorry just can’t call
them mother and mother!). Did not want to register the sex of their child on their
babies birth certificate, they wanted the child to decide their own gender when
they got older.
What’s that all about!
The entire issue of gender and homosexuality is permeating each
generation like nothing else on earth.
If people who are gay want to seek God and turn from their ways. Learn
what the bible actually says. Then great.
However very few do, they just want to push their own corruption
onto everyone else and make them accept it as normal.
Did you know there is even a gay bible. I was shocked when I found out.
How perverse is that. It’s called the Queen James Bible!
Ps I have a brother who is gay, I love him to bits he never pushes his
Lifestyle or flaunts it on anyone else. I disagree with his lifestyle and he
thinks I’m nuts for believing in God. It doesn’t mean we can’t still care
for each other. He doesn’t push his agenda and I don’t push mine.
I still pray for him though.
My concern is that when society starts to normalise that which is
completely not normal and which goes against the very core of
society and family, we know we are in trouble.
Transgender and same sex relations is no "special party" of people they are no different than anyone else "lost souls" longing in sorrow for a "life" that they can live without so much "hardship" and so just like anyone they "come across" a "different way of thinking" that "eases their pain and conscience" being an introvert I can relate,wanting to shut people out,be totally alone,be selective in who I'm around,but if acted on all these things then I would give a strong hold to satan because he'd give me "lies" as gifts to blind my eyes and loose my mouth to cursings.
Everyone at some point "needs someone" and "everyone needs" "answers" and a "path" to walk on, our role is to "give the option" of the path to Jesus so that they can "truly be healed of pain and a sorrowful conscience".
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