Listen carefully, your deceitful twist of what many say prove that the spirit of God does not lead simple as......seriously, you should get on your knees and trust JESUS biblically before it is too late, and furthermore, if you cannot be honest with what I have said and or cannot quit deceitfully changing what I have said like Satan did in the garden with God's word<---NEVER address me are as deceitful as they come!
You were asked if you hate the Law because you always call those who believe in honoring God with obedience "Lawyers, law keeping drivel, Cainologists" and Pharisees.
You said in response; "Not at done it's job for me and pointed me to the cure..His name is JESUS". The cure to what? Since you slam anyone who posts scripture showing how the God of the Bible expects honor and obedience, I honestly thought you believed that God's Laws are unjust and impossible to follow so you preach your Jesus saved you from them. That the Law was the problem, not the deceitful mind of man. I am amased how thin your skin is given your quotes just over the last couple of weeks to folks who disagree with you.
It seems you can dish it out pretty good, but when someone reply's to the tone of your comment, you want to place them on permanent ignore.
I don't agree with your religion, but I thought you could take what you dish out. I will be more sensitive in how I frame my comments in the future.
These are just a couple of weeks worth of your comments.
"Of course you would....disrespect is your middle name.....!!"
"It is good to see your stance in light of all the deceitful garbage posted by the Cainologists and Salvation losers that must maintain their so called salvation and or work to gain it or keep it...."
One more application and twist of the word to prove you are missing the mark and lying....I have consistently stated what the LAW is for...quit is not good for your working for cainologist I keep my self saved law keeping dogma....
KEEP quoting the O.T. and rejecting the NEW....keep condemning yourself...not very bright.....and the bible does not teach a blend of law and grace.....more of your deception.......thank God JESUS sets me free from lawyers and Pharisees like you pal.
You can keep your Hebrew roots rigmarole.....Jesus is just fine and your oil and water mix of law and grace = nothing from God pal!
LAW LAW LAW LAW LAW LAW LAW <-----all you push.......... WE are not under the law, but under GRACE! Get it through your head...........the righteousness of CHRIST without the LAW has been imputed by faith...WE CANNOT get any more righteous....wake up pal!
Like I said....another worker for Hebrew roots Jehovah's Witness pushing a false working for long as you continue to view scripture through the rose colored glasses of your Hebrew roots and or religion you will not grasp the truth that you peddle a working for dogma.....
Of course I expected you to reject the does not fit your legalistic, Hebrew roots, law keeping drivel....whatever.........!
Just another Mr. Twisty..............he cannot admit the truth nor his many errors in twisting the word to push his law keeping religious creed....
You got that right.......He is a Cainologist pushing a man made religion.....nothing more......
You can x it all you want and you know it is true....go read the threads and see how the workers for, sinless perfectionists, lawyers and Pharisees ALL use this crap against a grace based there no honesty by the people on this site?
We could add a few...... 13. They teach for the commandments of God the traditions, rigmarole and "church" laws of man and or religious fanatics 14. They would rather have a murderous thief in their "church" than JESUS 15. They are most definitely better than their neighbor 16. If they do not...
Nothing but another straw man false argument seriously lacking credibility and or one states that, implies that, has said that or even indicates that....states a lot about his so called obedience.....something about bearing false witness comes to mind
Twist all you want pal....My best interest is to ignore frauds.... dcontroversal said: This whole thread is about the giants and if it was MEN or Angels in GENESIS said MEN, by default you have answered....LIKE I would make a good politician and if you cannot be honest and or...
Amen brother....the Cainologist does not believe this.........he has been permanently put on ignore like months ago....his drivel got old and the fact that he denies this very tenant of biblical Christianity.....
You can keep your false Catholic dogma.....and your man made I save or keep myself saved lie.....
Nobody believe the above false drivel "BOLDED" the bible does not teach such foolishness....only hyper legalistic false religions teach such foolishness.....and the underlined reeks of ignorance of context and exactly why they were judged and NO WHERE does it say the ended up in hell... WOW...
This is one of the top cake taking posts I have seen on this site......and the analogy made is quite ignorant to be about cracker jack theology!
I am missing no point, you made a false statement that I addressed...end of story.......It seems that you like to embellish the word quite a bit with your opinion to make it fit your theological stance
Nice twist of what I said, your modus I said above...You are one of the most deceptive people on this site...
We already covered this, so have numerous people.....obviously your weak, inept Jesus that does not keep his word keeps you from seeing obvious truth
And you are too dense to understand that the whole statement must be taken...their faith is in vain because they DID NOT BELIEVE IN THE RESURRECTION..........try to wrap your head around that.......and this is covered MORE than once in the scriptures.....IT IS THE TENANT of Christian belief...
Face the facts dude.....the following is what you believe and it does no good to discuss scripture with one who embellishes, rejects, denies context, verb tense, scripture after scripture that testifies to the eternal security found in Christ, lie about what we actually say, accuse us of things...
Keep thinking the above...all you do is regurgitate Catholic dogma when you push the Apostles creed....and you assume because I do not respond to your drivel and baited hook that I don't know or understand a particular I bet the people who sat under you got milk toast!
Nothing you said has a foundation in, nadda, nothing....more Cainology and opinionated let us again reveal your hypocrisy and false dogma.... HAH most here know your kind and they ALL see through your Cainology pal....and you have not set us straight on...
You have never caught me in a lie about what I believe, what you teach and or anything assertion is not only false but not of God....more of that working for I keep myself saved garbage I guess....
BLAH BLAH BLAH..........
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