"How could Sunday worship have come from paganism,
when Sunday was never a pagan holiday?" — RALPH WOODROW
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D. M. Canright, a Seventh-Day Adventist minister.
Contacted the experts listed below to gather conclusive
evidence about pagan sun worship. He set out to prove
the SDA point on this once and for all.
Why Did D. M. Canright leave the Seventh-Day Adventists?
Here's an overview of the key findings and sources.
Questions were put to these experts in Bible times history.
- F. N. Pryce of the British Museum in London, England,
Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities
- R. Rathborn of the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.
- George F.Moore, Professor of Ancient Roman and Greek History,
at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Professor W. H. Westerman of the
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
- J. W. Moncrieff, Professor at the University of Chicago.
All these experts in ancient history
answered in chorus, "No."
The pagans did not gather on Sunday to worship the sun.
They did not gather on any day of the week to worship or
have a festival or day of rest. Worship gathering was annual for them.
Nor did they even follow a seven day week until after Christian times.
The significance of the week day names was astrological, not religious.
Their week was an eight day cycle based on their "weekly" market day.
Back in 1913-1914 the questions were put to these experts by
D. M. Canright, a Seventh-Day Adventist minister.
Who set out to prove the SDA point on this once and for all.
He left the SDA church as a result.
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when Sunday was never a pagan holiday?" — RALPH WOODROW
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D. M. Canright, a Seventh-Day Adventist minister.
Contacted the experts listed below to gather conclusive
evidence about pagan sun worship. He set out to prove
the SDA point on this once and for all.
Why Did D. M. Canright leave the Seventh-Day Adventists?
Here's an overview of the key findings and sources.
Questions were put to these experts in Bible times history.
- F. N. Pryce of the British Museum in London, England,
Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities
- R. Rathborn of the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.
- George F.Moore, Professor of Ancient Roman and Greek History,
at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Professor W. H. Westerman of the
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
- J. W. Moncrieff, Professor at the University of Chicago.
All these experts in ancient history
answered in chorus, "No."
The pagans did not gather on Sunday to worship the sun.
They did not gather on any day of the week to worship or
have a festival or day of rest. Worship gathering was annual for them.
Nor did they even follow a seven day week until after Christian times.
The significance of the week day names was astrological, not religious.
Their week was an eight day cycle based on their "weekly" market day.
Back in 1913-1914 the questions were put to these experts by
D. M. Canright, a Seventh-Day Adventist minister.
Who set out to prove the SDA point on this once and for all.
He left the SDA church as a result.
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