I feel like I struggle to find good Christian men because of my past. It's not awful or anything, but I wasn't always concerned with living a pure life and now I am.
Yea there's a bit of it going around, ditto for christian women. I was pretty naughty when I was younger and used to drink a lot and carry on (I'm squeeky-clean nowadays) none the less i'm not sure how well my past will go down if I ever do have to date a christian girl. I'd rather not lie, but *cough!* what are you supposed to say? lol! be evasive, skirt the question and change the subject I suppose?
Krissisphotos and alphaunit, i love what both of you said here. I honestly thought i was the only one who had trouble with this. When i got saved i thought i could just put my past behind me and find a christian man that could accept me former life and all........yeeeeeeah, i was dillusional. I cant tell you how many times ive been dumped, or literally just walked out on... from answering certain questions honestly, .... Next time i get questioned about stuff i know will end things, im just gonna pretend i have a hearing problem......... WHAT DID YOU SAY........ IM SORRY I ONLY HAVE ONE GOOD EAR!!!! YOUR GONNA HAVE TO SPEAK LOOOOOUDER!!! more than likely i will be 50 and still single!