God allowed His chosen people to be slaves three major times in their biblical history.
What cracks me up most about the Jewish people, they believe they above everyone else. They claim to be pure bred and basically the blue blood of humanity. But let's just think about this for a moment. As descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph and his brothers, they were enslaved by the Egyptians.
Now, if we look at the slavery that took place in the United States. We will find that slave masters were more than just heartless. Let's look at President Thomas Jefferson. he fathered a multitude of children by forcing himself onto his female slaves. Let's take that same thought and apply it to the Egyptians being slave masters to the Hebrews. There is no way possible the Hebrews were pure blood when they finally became a free people.
Later on in the Children of Israel's history, they became slaves to the Babylonians and the Assyrians.
By the time Yeshua was on the scene to die for our salvation, the Jews had Egyptian, Babylonian, and Assyrian blood mixed in them. They basically were Gentiles.
No doubt the Germans in the 1930'-40's also took advantage of the women who later on survived the Holocaust.
There is no possible way the Jews today are of pure blood going back to Abraham.
This is just one of the many tragedies that can happen in slavery. And to think, God allowed His own people to be manipulated, treated as animals, used like cheap prostitutes, at least 4 times throughout their storied history. It just amazes me that if God can allow His own people to suffer like that, He definitely can allow billions upon billions to suffer for all eternity!!