Dr Kenneth Miller is the most highly regarded debunker of Intelligent Design in America and has written standard high school and biology college text books that defend evolution. Yet he is a devout Christian (Roman Catholic) who believes in the compatibility of evolution and the Christian faith. He defends his position in his very popular book, "Finding Darwin's God." Go to Amazon book reviews and read this excerpt from the best received reviewer. The excerpt outlines how Miller debunks the "young earth theory:"
"I found chapter three, God the Charlatan, to be very interesting. Here Miller shows the clear evidence for a multi-billion year old earth. He describes how the 235U/207Pb ratio and other independent uranium and thorium methods along with the potassium/argon dating method prove the age of the earth. There are tables listing nuclides (isotopes of various elements) clearly showing the concept of half-life decay which also demonstrates the age of the earth. There are also rubidium/strontium graphs with an isochron (a chart line signifying events that happen at the same time) lending support to an old earth. In chapter four, God the Magician, we are introduced to the concepts of phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium and the concept of speciation. It is shown that a direct creation of individual species was most improbable. There is some discussion of mutation rates in nature and experiments that show that these rates were sufficient to produce descent with modification as well. In the next chapter, God the Mechanic, Miller introduces us to fallacies proposed by the intelligent design group and how they got it wrong. Here he takes a stab at explaining the concept of irreducible complexity and provides the best example I've read about how the blood clotting process could have evolved."
Here is a major reason why modern young people reject evangelicalism: young people perceive is their perception that evangelicals are naïve intellectually dishonest thought Ghetto that only reads Ghetto-approved books and refuses to read or hear the most articulate and compelling defenses of evolution.
"I found chapter three, God the Charlatan, to be very interesting. Here Miller shows the clear evidence for a multi-billion year old earth. He describes how the 235U/207Pb ratio and other independent uranium and thorium methods along with the potassium/argon dating method prove the age of the earth. There are tables listing nuclides (isotopes of various elements) clearly showing the concept of half-life decay which also demonstrates the age of the earth. There are also rubidium/strontium graphs with an isochron (a chart line signifying events that happen at the same time) lending support to an old earth. In chapter four, God the Magician, we are introduced to the concepts of phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium and the concept of speciation. It is shown that a direct creation of individual species was most improbable. There is some discussion of mutation rates in nature and experiments that show that these rates were sufficient to produce descent with modification as well. In the next chapter, God the Mechanic, Miller introduces us to fallacies proposed by the intelligent design group and how they got it wrong. Here he takes a stab at explaining the concept of irreducible complexity and provides the best example I've read about how the blood clotting process could have evolved."
Here is a major reason why modern young people reject evangelicalism: young people perceive is their perception that evangelicals are naïve intellectually dishonest thought Ghetto that only reads Ghetto-approved books and refuses to read or hear the most articulate and compelling defenses of evolution.
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