I've had it for over 10 years. Your refusal to be treated is not very wise.
If you're feeling dizzy from it dropping so fast then there is also the potential of passing out. If your blood pressure fluctuates so wildly that means you can't control it and what works today may not work tomorrow.
Blood pressure as high as yours can lead to kidney disease and possible kidney failure. This can mean dialysis which can have a negative effects of it's own. And will require either a lifetime of dialysis or a kidney transplant. Which will lead to other transplants since they are not permanent.
Through all of this you run the risk of forming gout, thyroid problems and more.
Dialysis requires surgical implants. And can be anywhere from 2-7 days a week. 3-9 hours a day, depending on the kind you have and how poor your kidney function is.
You'll then require very expensive medication as long as you have the kidney. Without it you'll lose the kidney. And the medication lowers your immune system. Making it easier for you to get sick and harder to get better.
As a result of all this you run the risk of getting the CMV virus and it can make you very sick and may require hospitalization.
Or you may develop blood loss to your hips and bone death, which is extremely painful and requires a hip replacement (which is also not permanent).
This is an overview of the bigger potential issues, not counting all the smaller things that can go wrong.
How do I know this? It happened to me. My blood pressure was 200 also, when I was hospitalized. In the past 10 years this is a small portion of what I've dealt with since. All directly because of my blood pressure.
I am currently on roughly 12 medications.
And this is, of course, this is only possible assuming you don't have a stroke or heart attack and die or end up with physical and/or mental damage as a result.
Blood pressure is nothing to play around with.