I agree with what you say.
Yet I'm confused with "We are not required to activate our flesh"
Can you explain it to this dummy please
Yet I'm confused with "We are not required to activate our flesh"
Can you explain it to this dummy please
I think all the exhortations are in the scripture for a reason, because we have an independent will and God does not override this, neither are we called to strive in our own effort to sin less and less....we already have the person within us, the one who is Sinless and Holy.
It is bigger and better than fleshy obedience ....in Christ we are called to yield and receive this is walking in the Spirit.
Allowing Him to operate through us ....how you may ask
Think on this ...16 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly ....the message of who you are in Jesus, sanctified completely is powerful but you need to let it happen
This is why "sin less and less" is wrong because any of us can slip back into a fleshy walk, it does not mean we are less sanctified...this is a very terrible teaching....if we go back to walking by the flesh we have put aside who we are in Christ, but Christ will never abandon us.
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