@Roughsoul1991 The following is not directed
at you but rather piggybacking on some thing and adding some thoughts; Context is everything and although I do believe there are errors in translation. (That's not Gods fault.) Amoung so many slightly different translations my study partner and I read from two translations and compare them paragraph by paragraph one chapter at a time. We also take notice of the same plot (for lack of a better term,) repeating itself over and over.
In the OT family members often married each other, men had concubines and fornicated with prostitutes and their women committed adultery. The majority of the non Hebrew or Israelites were quite hedonistic and practiced, Idolatry, divination and their human leaders demanded to be worshiped as Gods. While Gods people fell away and disobeyed him and his precepts. They picked up influences of other foreign and local cultures. So God allowed them to be taken hostage over and over, repented over and over the repeat the same stupid mistakes again. They were fortunate he didn't cause another flood. Does he expect to be respected like our father, worshiped like our God, Obeyed like our master (lord) and loved like our mother, brother and children through it all?
Yes do we have a choice yes it's called Hell! Lucky for us we have a mediator that paid our bail. He's Jesus. If we accept his payment
in blood, we become his. It's not rocket science, it's better and easier. In the beginning God said let there be light and there was light... I'd bet it made a loud Bang too.
At the end he said "Yes, I am comming soon." It's not debatable. he is God. We are not.