It was eleventh hour who posted to me that the sacraments don't confer Grace. That's calling my faith false. I may seem evasive when I'm choosing my words to avoid the triggers attached to protestant /catholic discussons. What do you feel I'm being evasive about?
What seems Hodge podge to you?
Grace is a POSITION one is placed into by faith....see Romans 5:1-2 and Ephesians 2:8-10
Romans ->The Grace wherein we now stand
Ephesians -> In the grace you are, having been saved out of faith
The same positioning of Grace that saves a man also deals with man's sin as he sins...
Where sin abounds, GRACE abounds the more. <--Written to believers.
Grace is given, sustained, provided by is not gained, maintained etc. by religious sacraments, observances, ordinances etc.....of or by any church affiliation.
And to somewhat prove this...what was it that NOAH found in God's eyes? WELL BEFORE any "church" was ever conceived.