Its a simple question that's tied u up in a knot... LoL...
... Your entrenched, committed, deeply invested in the promotion and defence of vaccines... U have no way of identifying weather your right or wrong, no measure of truth like i have, no line in the sand...
U must be a long term vaccine advocate cos uv got all these fact checking websites and u treat anti-vaxxers like a scourge
But for someone like me that just started learning about vaccines with covid its confusing. A lot of this are highly suspicious.
And when the most basic of ethical questions can't be answered people become very skeptical.
When the sanctity of our patient/doctor relationship is being compromised people become very skeptical.
I won't even start with the list of suspicious stuff cos it will take up a page but people like u make things suspicious as well...
I did ask what your motivation was, why ur so concerned about other peoples choices to vaccinate. But u didn't answer.
Whats with this group of people that demand that everyone takes the vaccine...
U can take the vaccine yourselves so why then??? Very odd behavior indeed, i knew nothing about this war...
And the way u guys berate them with disgusting labels is really just foul to say the least...
Civilized discourse is all but gone but in this debate its non-existent i find, kind of like the abortion debate...
But your committed...
The world could fall into a dystopia and all the anti-vaxxers prophecies come to fruition and you would still be in denial...
But what if you are wrong? Would you then stubbornly and belligerently hold fast to your irrational and illogical error because you promised yourself that you would never relent? Standing in the truth should include a willingness to concede to being wrong so that you can realign with said truth you claim to love. Don't be too committed to your unproven conclusions. You might be wrong about it.
It was a cracker, a thought provoking one "
stubbornly and belligerently hold fast to your irrational and illogical error" indeed
And "
a willingness to concede to being wrong" is important too...
U seem to have pre judged your position and won't consider being wrong like i do...
But anyway, i don't think your even able to understand why someone would be skeptical of anything...
And without understanding someone your odds of convincing them of something is very slim...
How many anti-vaxxers have you turned from the dark side? Not many, if any i suspect without any understanding