The 144000 ....who are they? Self explained they are the remnant of Israel. 12x12000 of the tribes.
The church is not on the earth at this point.
Why do you and others keep saying the church is Israel or Israel is the church. Such a false teaching this replacement theology.
Do you or anyone of your thinking know what the church is? The church is exclusive to Christ. It is the temple made without hands.
It is the bride of Christ. A new thing. One that no one else ever saw. The grafted in ones. Born again ones. The called out ones.
Are we of the we were saved from the law. We were saved from the judgement to come. We are not appointed to the wrath which is to come. We are the holy ones.
The book of revelation is about the promise to redeem Israel we're not seen after the 4th chapter untill Christ comes with his bride. Not for his bride. With his bride.
Our purpose is fulfilled then we are out of here. Israel becomes a light once more. Their weakest warrior will be as king david.
They will evangelize to all the nation's left. And God himself will defend her.
Remember God scattered them all over the globe so when you see every kindred and tongue it does not necessarily mean gentiles.
Most jews today speak 3 or 4 different languages in the promised land. There are black jews, white jews, asian jews, ECT.
Christ has been reigning as king of his kingdom, which is the church, ever since the days of his Apostles. Mark 9:1, And he said unto them, verly I say unto you, there be some of them that stand here, which will not taste death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.
The kingdom of God is one of many names that references the church. Others are the church of God, the church of Christ, the church of the first born, the church in the wilderness, Zion, the kingdom of heaven, and more.
Matt 11:11-12, Verily I say unto you, among them that are born of woman, there hath not risen a greater that John the baptist, notwithstanding, he that is least in the kingdom of heaven (the church) is greater than he. And from the days of John the baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
Eternal heaven has never suffered violence.
Isaiah 45:4, For Jacob my servants sake, and Israel, mine elect. I have even called thee by thy name. I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me. All Israel is not of Israel. Jacob as Israel represents all of the elect of God, which is the invisible church.
Luke 17:20, And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation. because the new law is written in the heart, and the church is within us.
Ezk 10 has reference to the wheel within a wheel. The larger outer wheel being the invisible church, and the smaller inner wheel being the visible church, the 144,000, the remnant, The little flock, the few.
I think Ezk 10 harmonizes with Matt 7 of the two gates. The wide gate being the invisible church, and the straight gate being the few, the remnant, The little flock, the 144,000, which are referenced as the virgins, because they have always been faithful to their husband, Jesus, unlike those in the wide gate that teach, and preach false doctrines.