Are you reading the same text I am? lol
1) "FROM... UNTO the Messiah the Prince" =
7 Wks +
62 Wks (or "69 Wks" TOTAL, to this point);
[not sure where you got "69 + 62"
2) "AFTER" which He shall be "CUT OFF" and "have nothing [or, but not for himself]" (
32ad--His rejection/trials and Cross); [see my posts on "CUT OFF" passages];
then "the people
OF" do the
70ad things (... "the ppl
OF" a certain
other "prince THAT
not he himself)
"shall destroy the city and the sanctuary" (i.e. the 70ad events, corresponding with Luke 21:12-24a and Matthew 22:7 and Luke 19:41-44 and Mark 13:1-2/Luke 21:5-6/Matt24:1-2 etc etc);
4) [following on from that...] "desolaTION
S [PLURAL] are determined" (Matt23:38[37] being one AMONG them... [but note v.39's "UNTIL" thing also
--SAID TO "Jerusalem" see...]);
5) [
then toward the end of *that*...] the "FOR ONE
[1] WEEK [7 yrs]" thing, done by the v.
26b "prince THAT
himself will be present to DO *all* he is slated to DO over those "7 yrs" (this makes up the "70 Wks" TOTAL)
[not sure how you came up with "Weeks" that ADD UP to *OVER* "70"... how is that??]; at the END of THIS Jesus "RETURNS" to the earth (Rev19) and Daniel will "STAND IN THY LOT" (i.e. be "resurrected" to stand again [on the earth], that is, FOR the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom age, which will be commencing at that point in the chronology)
[see how the BLUE numbers above ADD UP to "70"??... and that every "point" speaks to "Jerusalem [/thy holy city]" as I've pointed out in past posts (I've not supplied the references in this post so much, though...), which is the SUBJECT of the Dan9:24-27 prophecy itself, see...]