Ummm...actually, some bad boys ARE actually reeeeeeeeeeally bad boys.
But some "bad boys" are actually just rough around the edges and are very tenderhearted, kinda like that Tim McGraw "Real Good Man" song.
Then, some bad boys are rough around the edges, except for that soft spot they have when they're around you, until they start with the hard-core drugs....
Lol, that reminds me of Billy from Dr. Horrible... In an odd sort of way....
Billy: So, how was your weekend? Did you spend it hunting wild signatures?
Penny: Um, actually I went on a date.
Billy: Get right out of town! How was that?
Penny: Unexpected. He's a really good-looking guy, and I thought he was kind of cheesy at first-
Billy: [quietly] Trust your instincts.
Penny: But he turned out to be totally sweet. Sometimes people are layered like that. There's something totally different underneath than what's on the surface.
Billy: And sometimes there's a third... even deeper level... and that one is the same as the top surface one.
Penny: [confused] Huh?
Billy: Like with pie.