I know this shouldn't bother me, but why do people read a post and say nothing? Was it so boring and of no value that it didn't merit a response? Did it offend the reader but they are too nice to say anything? Look folks, these forums are meant to serve as a basis to get to know each other, to share thoughts and ideas to encourage one another, but above all else to COMMUNICATE. Communication is difficult under the best of circumstances, but when such communication is one sided it's impossible.It ceases to be communication and exists as NARRATION. People pour out thier hearts and feelings maybe 30 something or 40 something people read it but the replies stay at 0. Why would I or anyone else share something unless they wanted feedback? I myself have posts that I wrote and I thought they were pretty good but NO ONE had anything to say after reading them. I try to reply to all the posts I read even if only to say good job, I relate to you, or if a poem or story, well written. It only takes a moment to type a line or two. Maybe its just ME that folks don't want to reply to I don't know. I am a writer, and while my moments of inspiration are few and far between I still want to know how my post made you FEEL, how it affected you, if at all, when you read it. Lets leave me out of this for the moment though. Let me ask you a question, if you were face to face and someone shared from thier heart, how many of you would just ignore them or stare blankly at them saying NOTHING? A person who shares something from the heart with us are giving us a gift whether we realize it or not. Don't reward that gift with silence, at best it is incosiderate at worst it is rude and arrogant. I know we can't reply to ALL posts or maybe we are just browsing and/or don't have time to reply just then. If the latter is the case then make it a point to go back and reply when you do have time. Now I know not all of you are like that, and there will always be lurkers, I realize that. However, we are family, and blood family, the BLOOD OF CHRIST. And we shouldn't ignore family. EDIFY ONE ANOTHER. -Bob