FreeGrace2 said:
The death will be quick.
It won't feel very quick to them.
You don't know that. How long would you last if thrown into a cauldron?
It is a scary thing to know will happen to you.
Have you ever met a scared atheist? They EXPECT to cease to exit. There's NO fear in that.
The fear people have is the UNKNOWN aspect of what's after death. Those who believe in ceasing to exist have NO REASON TO FEAR.
But you guys just don't get it.
So, no, you are quite wrong and you still don't get it.
Your view aligns perfectly with what atheists are expecting. Congratulations.
That isn't evidence. It's human reasoning which is irrelevant. Scripture says unsaved will not see life and says they will be destroyed. No amount of flawed reasoning changes what the bible says.
Unbelievers will NOT see eternal life, and their resurrected bodies will be destroyed. Rev 20:10 says very clearly that those in the lake of fire will "be tormented day and night for ever and ever".
That IS scary. Ceasing to exist is NOT scary. Why you can't see that is just amazing.
btw, talk about "flawed reasoning", that's you guys all over. let's consider Luke 16 and Lazarus the beggar and the rich man.
You guys deflect by calling it a parable, which allows you to explain it any way you want. When Jesus gave a parable, He was the ONLY ONE who could explain it. It was HIS parable.
So, can you explain WHY Jesus would give a parable with a scenario that is totally impossible, since you believe that all dead people are sleeping? No, you can't. If all dead people sleep, then Jesus' parable would be INSANE and totally rejected as fantasy.
Can you point to ANY of Jesus' parables that are just unreal fantasies? No, you can't.
John_3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life ; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
"shall not see life" means will not be alive.
Nonsense. The subject of that verse is eternal life. Unbelievers will NOT see eternal life.
Mat_10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell .
Being able to and DOING something are not the same. Show me any verse that clearly shows a soul being annihilated.
Being destroyed means they are Annihilated.
Let's go back to Luke 16. Your problem is revealed by your refusal to accept a real account. Instead, you hold to the totally ridiculous view that Jesus gave a parable that was totally fantasy and you can't explain WHY He did what WHAT He was teaching.
This is just a small offering of what the bible actually teaches on this subject.
And your "small sampling" is annihilated by Luke 16 and the account of 3 real people in the afterlife, 2 of which were speaking to each other.
That's the "annihilation" that I totally believe.