Hello everyone,
There is a great sermon on the Cornerstone Simi Audio Podcast on iTunes, called Falling Deeply in Love with God. If there is anything I have taken away from the sermon, it is this,
to not love God is to not know how much he loves YOU. How much he absolutely is crazy about you, he wants you more than any of those things you mentioned-to the thread poster.
The pastor makes a subsequent point that I think would benefit everyone else, and that is that you can not make anyone fall in love with God, it is something that God allows through the holy spirit, which is above and beyond all understanding. That means, the best thing to do is pray on someone elses behalf. That being said-to the poster-I am praying for you! Whether you like it or not! You're my sibling in Christ, and I don't know you, but it pains me to know that you don't know the how much God is head over heels for you, like he is just absolutely in love with you! But, I will intercede and see you in heaven. Best of luck, and if I could so kindly ask anyone else who feels so inclined to pray as well. Much love to you all.