God never contradicts himself. However, as one who has studied the history of the compiling of our Bible today, even a cursory study, demonstrates man,scribes, the church, government, and politics, what greater lever of control is afforded mans regime,administration, than to claim it is not they who speak but rather the almighty.
And man's church history demonstrates bloody, savage, murderous, torturous, evidences of that. Be it the many crusades or Inquisition's, both Catholic and Protestant.
It's not us! It's God!
The Bible does bear contradictions and inaccuracies.
That is not God!
That is man! It is said, the Bible was
written by the same people who said the earth is flat.
God knows better.
We all live in relationship with the source of all life and creation.
God's word in the New Covenant tells us not to believe everything we're told. But to test the spirits to see if they are of God.
God knows the heart of man. He made it everything it is, shall be, or ever was.
I'll not post the books. Those who are interested shall seek them out, or know them already.
In the Old Testament king David is commanded to take a census. One book states this was God's command. Another that it was Satan's.
One census. Two different accounts.
In the New Testament Saul's encounter with the light on the road to Damascus, he and his two companions.
Once again, those interested will seek them out, or already know them, there are two different accounts.
Three people present in Saul's first person narrative does not become two
different accounts of all that transpired.
I think we make a huge mistake and do our indwelt grace a disservice to insist or imagine the only communication conduit God affords us from himself is the Bible.
But that is precisely what is implied by a Closed Cannon. Man's decree and judgement after compilation of the Bible.
And all those versions. And all those scrolls, and manuscripts that were judged unworthy of inclusion . Because they did not follow a predetermined narrative.
And all those manuscripts and scrolls discovered long after, inform us God has much to tell us. Save for man who acts as editor's in chief.
That's why God is indwelling. Speaking to us if we but take time to be still and listen.
Just look at how we act and read the meaning of the scriptures in these discussions. Some insust passages don't apply. No different than the many councils of men who compiled the bible over a period exceeding 1000 years.
And our behaviors are not just here,but are evident on virtually every single Christian discussion site on the net.
Some go so far as to refer to God with a lower case g!
The passion, whims, motives, of humans. We call ourselves Christian.
The test and proof differentiates itself in two ways. Those who act like it.
Those who live it.
The New Testament was written decades after Jesus. Before that it was largely a spoken testimony if the Apostles and others after them.
I think it behooves every Christian to study the origin of the Bible.
They may be surprised to know in the beginning, being ours is deemed a Judeo-Christian doctrine, because Messiah's prophetic origin is of the Jewish Bible, that the "Jews" were first Polytheists. Before they were called Jew.
Only later were they to become Monotheists.
Why? That's history worth seeking out .
God is alive in all of us. Don't limit the enormity of his power to the confines of text,doctrine, edifices, or man's egocentrism .
God is not a man that he should lie!
It's a relationship. Not a conveyor belt.
I'm going to depart this thread now. Argumentum ad nauseum tires the blossom of a peace filled spirit.
When we find ugly words, not in your reply here, generally speaking per any Bible topic, being cast at one another in order to make a salient
righteous point, I believe we've already lost the point of what it is to live the peace of Christ.
As is said, watch your mouth and behaviors. For you may be the only bible some people ever encounter.
If you feel bad while participating in a discussion about God, leave!
Take time to reflect on the why of that feeling. You're worth more than to be led out of your peace in Christ. And at times by some who enjoy and even feed off what results from their baiting our responses in such ways.
If we behave as if we need Jesus, we fail to prove we are of Jesus. Christ like doesn't behave like his enemy. And the excuse Jesus often behaved in such ways, proves it.
We are blessed. No thing changes this. Be aware of those who seek to do so by their own motives and actions.
Live the peace of Christ.
Thank you, if you read this huuuge post. TLDR, is also understandable. ☺️