I understand your sentiment, but I think there can be a bit of problem with this whole 'stalker' thing. See, there is no objective standard as to what stalking actually is so it's defined entirely by the supposed 'victim'. Essentially, a man is a stalker if someone says he is. For example, I know a chap who was accused by a lass of stalking simply because he had a good memory, and was able to recall details she had told him the previous time they had met.
So again, I think I can understand your feeling, but there's always another side to the story, and I believe that Christian charity demands that we see people in the best light possible, which means giving folk the benefit of the doubt. I suppose what I don't understand is that if you know the bloke is well meaning, how could that possibly make you feel unsafe?
So again, I think I can understand your feeling, but there's always another side to the story, and I believe that Christian charity demands that we see people in the best light possible, which means giving folk the benefit of the doubt. I suppose what I don't understand is that if you know the bloke is well meaning, how could that possibly make you feel unsafe?
Stalking is not an abstract term. Nice try. Even a conservative definition here is "unwanted repeated contact". Does that not make a person feel unsafe? Even if he doesn't mean anything by it, if a guy repeatedly calls and it is unwanted, it becomes daunting. Even if he never physically threatens a woman, but tries to talk to us repeatedly with and it is unwanted, it can be come tense. We don't know how it will turn out, what can make him snap.
I know that it is hard to be a man, because women are accusatory. Your chap got a bad rap. I'm sorry. But on a whole? Stalking is not an abstract term. It is never ok. Even as Christians, I don't think Jesus would say "hey, forgive him one more time and see what happens".
"Supposed Victim" used in quotes is so derogatory that I don't even have words for that. I supposed you think most women asked for it too. Don't answer that, it is rhetoric.