Dispensationalism is bulldookey because Psalms 111:7-8 KJV plainly tells the Christian that the commandments God wrote with His own hands "stand fast forever and ever" and is why it will ALWAYS be wrong to worship other Gods before God, steal, lie, commit adultery, etc.
If you disagree, tell me which of the Ten Commandments are we now free to disobey?
If you disagree, tell me which of the Ten Commandments are we now free to disobey?
Well, I do disagree that we're still under the Old Covenant in any way. I also disagree that Pslm. 111: 7-8 is specifically speaking about the 10 Commandments... it's discussing all of God's handiwork and all His precepts.
I've no idea how or why you've brought Dispensationalism into this? Very confusing.
Equally confusing, is why are you flipping this back onto me, when it was your assertion that my personal beliefs were "wrong"? If we disagree on a matter, we can discuss things civilly and not in a manner that's hostile. Declaring me automatically "wrong" (and implying that your personal opinion is "more correct") at the outset isn't a polite way to begin a conversation, IMHO. Infact, with me... it's the beginning of the end of a conversation.
Nevertheless, like I said earlier, I don't think that we're under the Law anymore, but as Paul said, the Law is our tutor now as we're under Christ our Lord.
Jesus' blood atonement and being our propitiation is how we receive pardon even if we do break one or more of the 10 Commandments, (when we confess).
Anyway, I know that I'm comfortable in my beliefs - I also believe that you're comfortable with your own, and I respect that.
Since I don't receive instruction/condemnation from folks I don't know... I suggest that we just leave off this "conversation" and agree to disagree.
I am sorry if I've offended you somehow.
God Bless...
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