concerning satan BOUND:
here's THE ONLY THING we are told satan is RELEASED TO DO (nullifying any questions about long lists about other things):
the ONLY place the thousand years is mentioned, the big controversy. what do we know from the single short chapter Rev 20?
he is bound.
there's a period called
a thousand years.
he is released to:
Revelation 20:8
and will come out to
deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea.
that's it.
that's the whole story.
this means only one thing: for that period of time called a thousand years satan is not permitted to
deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle
that's all there is on his being bound for a thousand years.
there simply no possible way to move beyond understanding this chapter until we agree that there is one thing only mentioned with the binding of satan in Chapter 20.
there's a BATTLE.
it's at the end of the age.
God and Magog are mentioned.
this happens ONE TIME.
this either happens at the end of THIS AGE, before the Second Advent, or it happens at the end of a literal 1,000 years period AFTER the Second Advent.
there are only two choices.
if there is a literal period of 1,000 years on this earth AFTER The Second Advent, isn't the precise minute of the last battle (Rev 20) and the entire reason for satan being bound NULL AND VOID, since if we know exactly how many years from the moment Jesus returns until the time satan is supposedly released after the literal 1,000, there's hardly any DECEPTION involved is there?
so, before proceeding, is it possible to ONLY deal with Rev 20 and
what it actually says, for now?
thanks (Redstser

maybe we'll get to the bottom of the bottomless pit....HEY!
bottomless? satan must be floating up banging his head on the locked and chained lid because it's bottomless...if he stopped flying for any time he'd fall into eternal nothingness wouldn't he?
oh...maybe it's FIGURATIVE.