I beleive one should respect others beleifs, cultures, religions and right to be different than oneself.
But I dont like getting rideculed or mocked by atheists for being christian.
This happened to me this Newyears eve.
I was hateattacked and mocked "jesus jesus" they said in rideculing voices and it was not very nice as I had done no wrong or harm to them.
The world needs more love not more hate and rideculing , mocking someone just for being religious is a waste of energy that could be used in much nicer manner.
I dont forse my beleif on to others.
I have friends from all different religions and cultures and atheists but we behave respectfully and lovingly to eachother.
Thing is if one does "turn the other cheek" , ignore or kindly ask to stop behaviour of badness sometimes they follow you and actually violate etc.
I have experienced this.When one has done no wrong and just wants to live in peace but is hated upon for no justifiable reason.
Lovebombs a better bomb