WHen were the NATIONS (PLURAL) Arrayed aginst jerusalem? Rome was a nation. Not nations?
Rome was an EMPIRE that was made up of armies of many different nations.
When titus destroyed Jerusalem. No one was left. so when did this happen?
When did what happen?
What are you waiting to SEE exactly?
When was this battle fought by the lord himself?
Jesus fought a spiritual battle. A literal one.
He split the mountain (kingdom) in two when he challenged the pharisees power. Some pressed into the new covenant, others remained dead in their sins. Is this too spiritual for you?
Come on man. We don;t take one verse and ignore the rest of the passage! Of course jesus stood on the mount. But he did not do what this prophesy said he will do!
He did spiritually.
No actually it is embarrasing for you.
Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD. Thus the whore was destroyed? if it was jerusalem.
Oh I see you are way too proud to admit defeat, so yer gonna go down swinging. So be it.
My friend, mud and brick is not the whore. The city symbolises that people who fornicate. It represents pharisaical judaism with their traditions that cancel out Gods Word. The mud and brick was destroyed. The system of talmudic judaism began to flourish in opposition to Christianity, the only biblical religion.
The city became a harlot back then because they practiced harloty in the city.
Is this supposed to be an admission? Before you were saying Jerusalem was not an harlot. Now, when presented with irrefutable scripture you act like this is what you were saying all along. This is intellectual dishonesty.
They even sacrificed to pagan gods in the temple. They acted just like the true harlot. from which the sacrifice came from. The jerusalem temple became a pegan temple. is this happening today? where is the pagan temple where these sacrificial masses are taking place?
Oh boy....still trying to say theres a different TRUE harlot? THE HEBREWS were the harlot and they fornicate with the LOVERS.
Paganry is alive and kicking in orthodox judaism. They even have a moon goddess called shekinah. They swing a chicken around their head and impute their sins to it before slaughter.
It was not destroyed in 70 AD because of harlotry. It was destroyed because they chose the law over Christ.
try studying history.
No they chose their own TRADITIONS (self idolatry) over Gods Holy law.
The Hebrews and their city of abominations is the WHORE. Same story today.
now again. How can the harlot be the cheating wife or husband?
God said so. A cheating wife is an adultress whore. Ezekiel called Jerusalem a harlot. Is Ezekiel a false prophet?
If my wife cheated on me and I wanted to call her the worst name in the world, I would call her a whore.
God didnt call the LOVER a whore, He called His adulteress bride a whore. Stings dunnit? A lover is not married to God and doesnt know anything about the marriage and is therefore not knowingly commiting adultery. Therefore cannot be the whore. Jerusalem is the whore.
and second. Who is a greater harlot. Rome and her pagan ritual which has worldwide scope and murdered many saints for over 1000 years. Or jerusalem. Which has no real influence.
Roman Catholics
A bunch of old fuddy duddy's in big hats playing temple.
Do you really think jerusalem is going to giuve power to a roman emporor?
Why is that necessary?