It is fact because in many greek manuscripts which we have in our hands
today (which were found by many wonderful documents which contain the
greek word which could only be interpreted as one. It is not just him. MANY
MANY people have found these same documents and all agree. So we just
discard them?
The koine greek is not a used language today. anymore than "old english" is
used. so who do we go to to understand old english? Experts in the language
who have studied it, or our own personal interpretation? A modern greek
speaker may or may not use the same slang as they used 2000 years ago.
and would not be a good "expert" because he would try to interpret it the
way he says it. not the way they did. Look at the english word tongue? How
many people speak that way today? How do we interpret it? Like some
churches do as a language of God? or as they did back when it was used. as
How can I know what they believed in the early church?
Friend, How can you fail to know what they believed in the early church?
In Erie PA Scott H.
the roman church admited they destroyed all documents and books written
by anyone they considered a heretic. so how would I know if they did not
destroy books and writings which showed the opposite of what you believe
and shows what I believe.
How would I know there were these things and they were destroyed? I can't
know. thats why I don't follow men. I follow GOD.
A mediator is one who HAS THE POWER to mediate a major difference
between two parties. God has a debt out against us, It is called sin. Christ is
the ONLY One capable of mediating between us and God when we sin. HE PAID
THE PRICE. No man, alive or dead, can mediate between God and us pertaining
to sin.
I can pray that God helps someone change. I can pray that God heals
someone, or anything other than sin. Like the 24 elders did. But NO ONE HAS
Only Christ can.
Dear EG,
That is true. I was saying that. Ultimately, only God can forgive sin. But God
commands His Church to forgive sin too. And if we want to be forgiven, we
must forgive. But God has the final word about who is forgiven. It seems He
can base its, along with His shed blood, on how we forgive. God forgive us all.
I forgive anyone who trespasses against me. I don't take things personally. I
am only human true. So I have feelings, and I don't like it when people use ad
hominem arguments against me or more important against the Church. It's
just not right. God bless you. In Erie PA Scott R. Harrington
A sinner, who needs a mediator him or herself, can not
mediate on my behalf.
Dear friend, So are you saying that all men are sinners
only, and that there is no man who overcomes sin and is
righteous? All people have some sins, but that does not
mean that all people are unrighteous. A righteous man
who sins can be forgiven when he repents and forsakes
his sin. Yes, Christ is the only Mediator with God the
Father. But that does not mean He is the only
intercessor (the only one who prays to God on our
behalf). What are you to make, then, of St. James 5:16
NKJV "Confess your trespasses to one another, and
pray for one anther, that you may be healed. The
effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails
much." So, in your reading of Scripture, do you say the
effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man does not
avail much? In the ONT (volume 2, page 441, St. James
5:16 reads): "Keep on confessing your transgressions to
one another and praying for one another, that ye might
be healed. The entreaty of righteous man hath much
strength when it is energized." (A more literal
translation of the Greek NT than the NKJV).
God save us all in Christ the Savior. Amen. In Erie PA
USA Wed., August 31, 2011 AD Scott R. Harrington
Saying they can is like saying a person charged with murder and on trial himself can
mediate between a judge and another murderer on trial. Aint gonna happen! The judge
wont even listen to him!
It is fact because in many greek manuscripts which we have in our hands
today (which were found by many wonderful documents which contain the
greek word which could only be interpreted as one. It is not just him. MANY
MANY people have found these same documents and all agree. So we just
discard them?
The koine greek is not a used language today. anymore than "old english" is
used. so who do we go to to understand old english? Experts in the language
who have studied it, or our own personal interpretation? A modern greek
speaker may or may not use the same slang as they used 2000 years ago.
and would not be a good "expert" because he would try to interpret it the
way he says it. not the way they did. Look at the english word tongue? How
many people speak that way today? How do we interpret it? Like some
churches do as a language of God? or as they did back when it was used. as
How can I know what they believed in the early church?
Friend, How can you fail to know what they believed in the early church?
In Erie PA Scott H.
the roman church admited they destroyed all documents and books written
by anyone they considered a heretic. so how would I know if they did not
destroy books and writings which showed the opposite of what you believe
and shows what I believe.
How would I know there were these things and they were destroyed? I can't
know. thats why I don't follow men. I follow GOD.
A mediator is one who HAS THE POWER to mediate a major difference
between two parties. God has a debt out against us, It is called sin. Christ is
the ONLY One capable of mediating between us and God when we sin. HE PAID
THE PRICE. No man, alive or dead, can mediate between God and us pertaining
to sin.
I can pray that God helps someone change. I can pray that God heals
someone, or anything other than sin. Like the 24 elders did. But NO ONE HAS
Only Christ can.
Dear EG,
That is true. I was saying that. Ultimately, only God can forgive sin. But God
commands His Church to forgive sin too. And if we want to be forgiven, we
must forgive. But God has the final word about who is forgiven. It seems He
can base its, along with His shed blood, on how we forgive. God forgive us all.
I forgive anyone who trespasses against me. I don't take things personally. I
am only human true. So I have feelings, and I don't like it when people use ad
hominem arguments against me or more important against the Church. It's
just not right. God bless you. In Erie PA Scott R. Harrington
A sinner, who needs a mediator him or herself, can not
mediate on my behalf.
Dear friend, So are you saying that all men are sinners
only, and that there is no man who overcomes sin and is
righteous? All people have some sins, but that does not
mean that all people are unrighteous. A righteous man
who sins can be forgiven when he repents and forsakes
his sin. Yes, Christ is the only Mediator with God the
Father. But that does not mean He is the only
intercessor (the only one who prays to God on our
behalf). What are you to make, then, of St. James 5:16
NKJV "Confess your trespasses to one another, and
pray for one anther, that you may be healed. The
effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails
much." So, in your reading of Scripture, do you say the
effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man does not
avail much? In the ONT (volume 2, page 441, St. James
5:16 reads): "Keep on confessing your transgressions to
one another and praying for one another, that ye might
be healed. The entreaty of righteous man hath much
strength when it is energized." (A more literal
translation of the Greek NT than the NKJV).
God save us all in Christ the Savior. Amen. In Erie PA
USA Wed., August 31, 2011 AD Scott R. Harrington
Saying they can is like saying a person charged with murder and on trial himself can
mediate between a judge and another murderer on trial. Aint gonna happen! The judge
wont even listen to him!