Ok but we have had loads and loads of people come through here with one belief or another that they won't label and say they simply believe the truth.
I'm sure. One must always discern and test the spirits to know if they are from God.
Ok what about the people that haven't heard the Gospel and don't have the indwelling Spirit?
Everyone inherently knows right from wrong and good from evil. This knowledge is in all people. Every person born into this world knows enough to judge themselves according to a standard contained in their innate conscience. Ever heard of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? Everyone born into this world is a descendant of Adam and Eve and knows good and evil. It is all part of the package. You inherited both, and they are permanent and irrevocable parts of your DNA that you will have all your life—you, either condemning or else approving your thoughts, actions, and desires without even thinking. Give a child a piece of paper and a crayon and ask them to write good things on one side and bad things on the other, and they will do it without hesitation. No one taught them right and wrong. They know that when they took the cookie without permission, they broke the rules.
Everyone also has the knowledge of God. That too is a part of you, in your DNA, programmed into your very being by God Himself. Everyone has the signature of God on their heart. Even if a person does not know His name, or the name Jesus, even if they never read the Bible or know about anything else, they know there is something else beyond themselves. God makes Himself apparent to everyone, even in created nature, so that everyone is without excuse when they deny what they know and understand, then choose to do what they know in their heart and conscience that they should not. This is how God ultimately judges the people of the world at the Great White Throne Judgment, and everyone outside of a relationship with God fails the test. (Revelation).
Rom_1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
God knows how to save. In this Age of Grace, even without understanding anything, a person turns to God in childlike faith and God accepts them. Since no one can know or understand the things of God without the Spirit of God (including much of Christianity), we cannot understand and begin to grow spiritually until we have God's Spirit. Religion is not required or desired due to the present state of religion.
Christianity will never speak of it, but for most of the
sixteen centuries of Catholic religion, there were no Bibles, the people could not read, most of the people in the world never heard of or knew about Jesus, and there were no preachers or missionaries to canvass the world proclaiming salvation if you do this or that. Neither Protestant nor evangelical religions existed during that time to “save the souls” of the people. For 60 generations, there was no “come to Jesus, make disciples for Jesus, have the heart of Jesus, conform to Jesus,” and all the other nonsense such religions preach and teach today about their false deity. So, what happened to those people? God saves, even by the testimony of created nature and their turning to God, who they understand.
Salvation did not begin with the invention of a false, apostate Protestant Christian “evangelical religion” of the mid-20th century sporting a false Jesus god, as this religion would have you believe. That is unbelievable. Yet today, a billion people believe this is true because their religion taught this to them from childhood. Their religion repeats the idea as a mantra constantly; it is what the four generations alive today choose to believe, and no one ever bothers to examine their beliefs to see if the things they believe actually exist in the Bible. I looked. They don’t. These religious ideas do not align with God’s truth, and we know that because you will not find them in the Bible.
Today, the largest and most difficult mission field in the world is Christianity. Satan has given these churchlings an anti-god religion to play with, to entertain them and appease them that they will not soon relinquish.
Today we live in a spiritual wilderness of false religions that know nothing and get everything wrong, where the church you attend follows and preaches a false Jesus deity and a false gospel and more. It is far more difficult for people in a worship religion to find God because they think they already have. That begs the question,
“What if all the religious people never hear?” You can see what Satan is up to: giving people so much religion that they cannot see or ever find the real God. So, like the man in the wilderness, churchlings in false religions must take a step of faith away from their false religions toward God.
What is false about Jesus, in the way that you mean?
God In Jesus came to earth for the salvation of all mankind past, present and future. God in Jesus came only to His people, the Jews.
Joh 1:9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
Joh 1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
Joh 1:11
He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
In the history of the world, the Jewish Jesus for the Jews never had anything to do with the Gentiles. Nor did the Jewish Jesus have a roll in the Age of Grace. Gentiles are not featured in the Old Testament, which includes the four Jewish Gospels about the Jews. God, through the ascended Christ sent a Jew named Paul to the Gentiles to fulfill prophecy--that the Jews would bring salvation to the Gentiles (which included their bringing the Bible forward in time, and of course, Jesus).
As mentioned before, and as the name implies, Christianity always "worshiped" and focused on the Jewish Jesus of the old era. However, the only thing God's gospel says post-ascension, conveyed to us in Christ through the Apostle Paul, is our
relationship with God, which is why He created us and why He came to us through Jesus to redeem us. The ascended Christ lives to intercede between God and the children of God who are new spiritual creations in Christ, having the Spirit that is Jesus that is Christ that is God. (This does not include all who call themselves Christians) God is only one, not three as the trinity suggests. The Jewish Jesus, who was intended for His own, the Jews, and never had dealings with the Gentiles, died for all the world. When religion singles out the "trinity Jesus" or the "trinity spirit," they do not pursue God. Have you noticed that there is not one sect devoted to our relationship with God except the Body of Christ? This is Satan's work. He must keep us from God. So, while people pursue parts of Satan's trinity, they turn their backs on the only thing the Bible says: our relationship with God. This is why God has no part in Christianity and never has. Predictably, religions focus on a Jesus proxy, assigning various attributes to their Jesus. Be like Jesus, follow Jesus, have the mission of Jesus, make disciples for Jesus, have the love of Jesus, conform to Jesus, and many, many more. This is not biblical, as nowhere in the Bible does such a Jesus exist, including in God's gospel to us. No where did God in Christ say such things. God did not tell anyone to follow Jesus. Paul, God's ambassador to the Gentiles did not follow Jesus and never told anyone throughout his ministry to follow Jesus including Timothy. And Timothy never told anyone to follow Jesus. Jesus is not calling anyone to follow Him today, nor has He called anyone to follow Him in the last two millennia―or ever since He called the twelve. During His three-year ministry, after calling the twelve disciples, neither Jesus nor anyone else ever called anyone to follow Jesus. This false Jesus that the world follows today is intended only to distract the world from God and our relationship with Him: the only thing the Bible says to us, completely hidden from us by Satan through his religion scheme. It is the same with the false Mary, the errant phony spirt of some religions, and the many errant religions of our day and days past.
That is to take nothing away from God who through Jesus died for our sins that we might have a relationship with Him. We now have the indwelling Spirit of Jesus who is Christ who is God, not a Jesus in a Bible and that's the way God intended it.
We're fighting snow storms and frigid temps where I am right now
Stay warm.