Where does scripture say that all those drawn by God become believers? wher does scripture say that there is anyone who has not been at any time drawn by God toward Christ? Where does scripture say that God's drawing must be efficacious? Where does scripture say that God's purpose in drawing is to make sure the person being drawn believes in Christ?
Spend a few months in John 6 and then get back to us.
The very fact that no one CAN come to Jesus apart from God's drawing his people to Christ, means just that!
The text is equally saying, no one can come to me on their own initiative, or on the power of their or will, or by the power of their own desires. After all, no one seeks after God, remember (Rom 3:11)? Therefore, since this is also the case, then God must take the initiative by seeking his people out and drawing them to his Son, otherwise no one would be saved. So...one thing is for certain: when people refuse to come to Christ, we can be sure that they have not been drawn by God. Or when false disciples believe for a time but fall away because the "soil" of their heart is bad (as was the case with the people Jesus was addressing in Jn 6:22), we can be sure that God didn't draw them either.
Now...how we can know these things for sure is due to the
unqualified nature of Jesus' words! Two can play your game, Mr. PT, of what the passage doesn't say! Jn 6:44, for example, Jesus in the last part did not say that
perhaps he'll raise those up on the last day those who come to him. Nor did the Lord say that those the Father draws to me will
maybe or possibly come to Me. Rather, he flat out exerts that all who come "I will raise him up on the last day". No, "ands, buts or ifs" about it! Nothing qualified in this statement. Moreover, since Jesus promises to raise up all those who come to him, he implicitly equated this supernaturally-induced coming with actual faith! Is Jesus going to raise up to life anyone who doesn't have faith!? How could he, since without faith it's impossible to please God (Heb 4:12)?
But we have more proof that what I just wrote is true in vv. 53-54. First, in v. 53, he told those false disciples who chased after him with carnal motives, that unless [by faith] they eat his flesh and drink his blood, they have
no [eternal] life within them! In other, they were still dead in their sins!
Then in v.54, he contrasts the fake disciples with true, genuine believers! Those who eat His flesh and drink His blood HAVE
(presently) eternal life! Note carefully: He did not say they "will have eternal life" but rather they presently have it! This preserves the contrasting parallel with v.53, since the fake believers Jesus was addressing
presently had no life within them!
Moreover, v.54 goes on to say at the end the same thing Jesus said earlier in v.44: That he who [by faith] eats his flesh and drink his blood, "I will raise him up on the last day"! Therefore, those who come to Jesus [by faith] through the [efficacious] drawing of the Father (v.44) and those who [by faith] eat His flesh and drink his blood in v.54
are one and the same people; for both verses teach they will be raised up on the last day! These two verses are parallel to each other positively. Jesus, in v.54 was simply providing more detail by explaining what it means to "come to him" through the drawing of the Father.
Finally, v.47 also ties both of the aforementioned passages together, since faith is clearly in view. Those who believe presently have life, which is how Jesus could promise in vv. 44 and 54 that "I will raise him up on the last day"!
Exegesis is clearly not one of your strong points, Mr. PT. It would be to your great spiritual benefit to correct this serious shortcoming.