Pilgrim you have manufactured a false little story of what actually transpired. You are the one who actually posted to me regarding my reply to an different person. If you are at peace within yourself while offering false flattery to others to disguise how you have tired to manipulate the actual conversation, then I can only reiterate that an honest discussion with you is hard to come by.
My post 81 where I responded to NewLifeinChrist is what you took exception to it seems and you rendered a lengthy response to me as it seems you think it is your civic duty to correct everyone. You don't discuss; you post numerous scriptures that you indicate contradict a person, in this case me, and attempt to 'prove' a lack of understanding on the part of the person you respond to and again, in this case, me.
The op was questioning the term 'imputed righteousness' and my post 81 was on track with that op. I again responded to NewLifein Christ in post 86 and clarified I now had a better understanding of what he was saying and I agreed with what he had said.
Then you come along in your post 91 addressed to me and appear to correct a view, which I DO NOT EVEN HAVE, and go on about how we do not have freedom to sin. So, in my post 119 I responded to your post to me as follows:
Pilgrimshope said:
our actions have to match our words eventually we can’t keep serving sin even if we claim we’re under grace we still have to repent and do good not evil
I said
what are you on about? we have none of our own righteousness whatsoever. who is serving sin? smh
I did not understand how you would possibly assume I was somehow condoning sin if I agreed that Christ is our righteousness and He alone is actually righteous. Don't you see the false assumption you have come to in this exchange which YOU actually engineered?
I address this mistaken understanding of yours in following posts; each one of which you ignored and you continued on with your
original lack of comprehension.
When a person, ANY person anywhere, at any time and in any place makes a statement and another person comes along and ignores what is actually said and then develops a different rendition of what was actually said, it can only be taken to understand that the 2nd person lacks understanding and or comprehension OR they deliberately, for some reason, wish to create error about the character or beliefs of the first person. I'm not getting into that. Your motives are between you and your Creator.
You have diverted the op and presented a false picture of the exchange we actually had. For the record, when I asked you why you tried to make it seem I take sin lightly by listing verses declaring the evils of sin, this is what you said:
Post 118
ocean said:
what are you on about? we have none of our own righteousness whatsoever. who is serving sin? smh
your response in post 119
And after that, you actually had plenty to say. I don't find it funny. I don't appreciate your false narrative about me either since YOU actually posted to me and not the other way around. You are responsible for what you post and what you say as we all are. I, am not responsible for you continuing to make it seem I was after you when it was the other way around.
You should be careful to respond to what people actually say and not in a way that seems to change what they said and then continue with a false narrative. I would hope that would be everyone's aim here; be honest and exchange posts in a way that illustrates honest discussion. Posting reams of scripture is something anyone can do and in this case you posted reams of unrelated scripture to what I wrote. You are free to post whatever you want of course but you should do so without twisting what another says.