Let's see.
1 Chronicles 3 says Ahaziah is Jorams son by blood.
2 Kings 8:27
And he walked in the way of the house of Ahab, and did evil in the sight of the LORD, as did the house of Ahab: for he was the son in law of the house of Ahab.
Well wait, this Ahaziah is NOT the blood of Joram!!!
You see that? He is the SON IN LAW. How can this ahaziah be listed in a BLOOD genealogy when he ain't blood?
The Ahaziah that reigns in 2 Kings 8 is NOT Jorams seed. (Someone who actually studied genealogies would have noticed that, thanks for exposing AGAIN you have not studied this but are desperately trying to uphold the lie you swallowed)
Afterall you said I should have read ALL of scripture, how is it I caught this, and you didn't? One of us has not studied... My bet is on you because you keep missing key details.
First mention of son in law in the Bible is Genesis 19:12
And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place:
Notice that?
Son in law and son are not the same thing!
YET the Other ahaziah is the BLOOD son of Joram.
Let's recap the MOUNTAIN of issues you now have to overcome.
1.) If you have 1 Ahaziah, you have to explain how
that Ahaziah is both a son-in-law and a blood son.
2.) If you have 1 Ahaziah, you have to explain how
he has two different starting years for his reign.
3.) If you have 1 Ahaziah, you have to explain how
he dies in 2 kings 9 by the sword's of Jehu's army.... YET! Ahaziah starts to reign 1 year after his death...
4.) If you have 1 Ahaziah, you have to explain why
there is a blood war in 2 Kings 10-11 and both Jehu and Athaliah are killing the seed's of Ahaziah but trying to get different goals...
And so no one is confused... I will give the proper answers to all 4 challenges.
1.) There are two Ahaziahs, one is a brother in law, but also son of Athaliah, the other is blood son of Joram and also son of Athaliah.
2.) There are TWO Ahaziahs, so there are two years to start their reign. They are TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE with the same first name... Just like there are two Jorams, two Herods, two Judas, two Simon....
3.) Again, there are TWO Ahaziahs, one dies, then the other starts to reign.
4.) Jehu is killing the seed of Joram because it is evil. Athaliah is killing the seed of Joram because her son (the son in law of Joram) was killed and she doesn't want Ahab to reign. To let you know she is destroying the blood of Joram this is why Scripture says ROYAL SEED in 2 Kings 11.
There is NO contradiction in 2 Kings 8 and 9.
Your issue is all your "scholars" were to stupid to realize that 2 Kings 8 and 9 give TWO starting years for Ahaziah.
It proves there are TWO guys named Ahaziah just as there are two named Joram that lived at the same time (ironically just read the chapters before and you will see the two Jorams).
You decided the KJV was wrong, and searched on google for a "contradiction" and didn't fact check it. Now you are stuck trying to prove you did not talk out of your butt to save face.
This is the prime example that you anti-KJV people do not care about TRUTH. Anyone honest would have to admit that their modern "translations" say that Ahaziah began to reign in the 12th year in 2 Kings 8 yet says 11th year in 2 kings 9.
Anyone honest would be forced to admit that either their translation forgot to correct 2 kings 9, OR that their scholars WRONGLY changed 2 Chronicles 22.
You are arguing off your pride and trying to prove you are educated. I am not educated, I am an idiot who loves God. And look at this, an idiot such as myself is exposing the folly of someone educated such as you.
Should we go onto external evidence since all the internal proves me correct? Give me 1 Hebrew Manuscript that says 2 Chornicles 22 is supposed to be twenty two years old instead of forty two. I wait.
Who cares about all this internal evidence that has shown you are wrong... WHERE IS YOUR MANUSCRIPT??? Surely someone as smart as you would not be calling God a liar without even 1 manuscript saying you are right...
Where is it?
Give me the Hebrew Manuscript that says in 2 Chronicles 22, that Ahaziah was twenty-two years old. I wait.