The Lord revealed to me, maybe 3 years ago, that the occult would increase in America, and in every way, from the media to the homes, sadly, in many churches they practice the occult.
It was simple, I was looking at t.v. and it was past October, but they were showing the Exorcist. And I said, ''Lord, this is strange, why are they still showing scary movies out of season?'' And then I kept seeing it pop up everywhere. And Harry Potter got more popular.
I asked the Lord to show me what was going on. And he did.
You would be VERY surprised at how much influence the occult has in America. So much so that the people look completely dead, and they don't even have their own wills.
I went into an old city where I grew up, and I had not been there in a long time. When I even ENTERED the city I knew that it was full of evil, something was not right. But I could not see it. Then, my 2nd night of being in the city I went into a mall, an old mall we used to go to.
I WAS COMPLETELY AMAZED!! I felt like I was walking through Sodom!!! Men with men in groups like women, women with women, all sorts of perversion. As if it was homosexual night. Not only that, the people walking the streets looked dead also. My own cousin was a part of this mess.
There were other things that happened that night that now, I think all the more strange. One of the girlfriends of my cousin attacked her so badly like an animal, and she bit into her eybeball trying to bite it out, and put a LARGE bruise on her face, closing up almost half her face.
But this is not coming only from those who are under the government, but from those who run it. I have seen the Lord remove people at my asking. I have seen him do it over night. We need more people to pray against what is happening here. More people to get to the root of the issues here. If not, many people will end up in hell, and full of demons.
Yes, demons, possession, those things will come on this country also, if someone does not set it straight.
May Jesus bless you.