Hi Roger,
This is a Christian chat forum, so you must understand that we will come to everything in light of the word of God. If you don't believe the Bible and think it's false, why come here to argue your point?
I, for one, could never swallow that everything came into being by chance, with no guiding hand behind it. The universe is so precise and ordered that it is impossible. And the thought that at one time there was nothing and then that nothing decided to make itself into something is illogical. It is a fundamental error against logic. Out of nothing nothing could possibly come. But when we listen to the Bible's declaration that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, it makes sense. I wasn't there to see it made and I don't claim to know it all, but I see the evidence all around!!!!
Just the fact that we have the intelligence to even ask such questions is remakable. If we came about by chance, how did we develope the trait of thinking and pondering, not only ourselves, but the world around us? And why do humans have eyes? And why are there so many beautiful things in the world for those eyes to see? How could natural selection make beautiful things, including humans, and then decide that we needed eyes in order to see it all??? Do you really think blind chance could really be the answer to all of this? In fact, chance has no meaning. In and of itself it is nothing, chance can't create. Chance may be used in a loose sense when describing mathematical possibilites, but in the end it really means nothing. Chance is just a word to describe what we can't understand.
Again, I would encourage you to go to the website: The institute for creation research and at least get a Christian scientist's perspective on evolution. And more importantly, my friend, read the Bible. Read it prayerfully, asking God to show you the truth of His word, His salvation and the world to come. Start in the book of John in the New Testament. Because when all is said and done, all of the arguing in the world won't bring us to truth without God helping us. And an understanding of science won't bring us one step closer to God if He doesn't open our eyes.
I can truly say that the Lord Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and I am the foremost of all. But He did save me by His grace. There was nothing good in me to commend me to God. Not only does the Bible teach that, but I know it in my own heart.
I don't like arguing for the sake of arguing, but that you might know the truth of God and be saved for the world to come. I am nothing. I admit I have a peanut brain compared to all of the scientists that you speak of. I use the little knowledge that God has given me to help others to see Him. In the end, arguing without care of the other person is useless and wrong.
God bless you, my friend.