I feel like No matter what abortion is wrong . I know some people argue in the case of rape or the mothers health at risk. I have many different reasons why i find those wrong. I do feel though if someone did get an abortion it is not our place to judge, only God should judge a person.
So if a woman has a health problem and having the baby may possibly cost their life, i still feel abortion is wrong. Think of it this way. In order to get pregnant the person must be at least 13 usually, but most likely older! Hopefully in their 20's or 30's but i guess it varies. Anyway that woman has at lest have lived somewhat of a life. If it was me I would die for my baby so they could live a life and be happy that i got a chance to live my life and now I'm going to be with Jesus. Also a lot of times it is not for sure that the woman will die, so i think why not take a risk for your child? God has plan and he will choose his will.
In the case of rape and a woman getting pregnant i still feel abortion is wrong. Abortion is taking an innocent humans life away before the baby was even born. Rape is a horrible horrible thing that is hard to imagine why someone would do that. However, two wrongs don't make a right. So if a person got raped, it was obviously a sin for a guy to rape her but killing the baby is also wrong. I think maybe in this situation adoption is the right choice but it is up to the mother to decide that!
Statics say that 93 % of abortions are because of social reasons such as not wanting a kid or not being able to financially support a kid.I find it insane how someone could kill an innocent child for selfish reasons. Only 8% of abortions are for health concerns and 1% are for rape. So overall most abortions are for social reasons which i think is awful. Also there is approximately 3,700 abortions a day. Its sad that that many people do not get to live a life.
Birth Control
My opinion on birth control is that it can be a great thing for a married couple. I think birth control is great if a married couple does not feel ready for children but want to be sexually active. I just think it should be a form that is not killing the baby.