My guy,
with all that I write,
I know it looks like
I am the only one
chasing you, but in fact
that is not true...
You have done so much for me,
about me, that things you do
are unseen so they can't be
and I really honestly don't know
for how long, you've been
doing all this for me... but I know it
has been for a very long time..
I guess I am trying to show how
much I appreciate all the love
and consideration you show me,
when you don't really have to..
its not that you 'earned' my heart,
it is because you love me through my faults,
I never had a boyfriend, because of how
scared I am of people...
You just stuck by me, and loved me as best you could.
I love you back.
...maybe you are predicting what will probably happen,
but..I don't want it to happen that way, if it doesn't have to.
I don't like set futures that fail, I like a little surprise,
even if it is done gives more meaning to life..
I love you,