I disagree with a woman teaching or preaching about God or the Bible unless it is an all women event or ministry. Doing anything other than that is disobeying God and his word, the Bible.
Does a woman pastor have authority over your life when she preaches to you?
Who convicts you to choose Christ? The altar you go to and pray over?
Or, the Spirit whom comes to SEE you at the altar to show you that your life can be more, different, His?
Who convicts the Christian they are going in the wrong direction? The pastor?
Does a pastor put a feeling and film and sheathe of guilt on the person in their church confessing to wrongs? No.
Again , the Spirit , and, He doesn't even convict, in a guilty feeling sense , He convicts in a loving sense, rebuking, chastening, scourging, but done in love
Can you see where authority comes from? Not from any 'man,' or, 'women,' but from Christ, who is the 'head of the church, Scripture tells us.
And, those who are in Christ Jesus are NEVER under condemnation because the pastor tells you so ?? No, because Christ tells us, through Paul in Rom. 8:1.
Again, a pastor, man or women, has NO authority over you, NONE ! They cannot condemn you to lake of fire, you are His and He won't let a pastor do that, who WOULD be speaking through Satan IF they did judge you in that way.
I am being careful here, but a pastor can say "If you do not believe in Christ Jesus, you are condemning yourself," and this is in Scripture.
But, those fire and brimstone preachers that preach "you are going to hell if you accept Christ" are NOT doing their calling as He called them, doing MUCH more damage than good ! They are judging, too

. God alone is our judge for where we are in life, and, will judge us at the end of our life after it ends, that is Scripture too.
Why? Why do you disagree with a women teaching you in church? Is it just Scripture telling you that (you think), or, is it just a feeling that doesn't sit right with you?
The Lord leads our lives, you are to follow Him, Jess, so, if it's the latter reason for not wanting to learn from a woman pastor, then, God is just telling you to find a different church, perhaps. Pray to Him before making that choice you are about to make.
There is no cultism of men only preaching in Christ Jesus, men and women are the same , both following after Christ, both learning from each other of Christ.
Men have A LOT they can learn from women, preaching/teaching included. Maybe, not as a full-time pastor (or maybe), but, certainly, guest pastors could be a woman sharing her experiences to a congregation.
Those who do not believe women can teach them are the ones that say 'All I need to know is in Scripture, I don't need them speaking to me."
This is a case by case situation but it is that way a lot of times. It is an example of no faith in His leading, as I see it. Sad, because one is not allowing a woman to do the Lord's work to YOUR life, through learning and teaching of God's Word

Very sad, indeed.