Reactions received by Lanolin

  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    The possums had been observing He who must not be named Headquarters for quite some time and in concert with the Red Beanies, had...
  • Ruby123
    Ruby123 reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    Most people in Lanolinland had never heard of Miss Tzipora, not did they even care about Mr Joe Biden. So the news was not even relevant...
  • Ruby123
    Ruby123 reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    Miss Goodbooks received another donation in the returns slot. This time it was a picture book called Ruby and Grub, and it was looking...
  • Ruby123
    Ruby123 reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    Santa Claus discussed his naughty list with his wife, and it was decided that Santa would give the lad one month to redeem himself. If...
  • Ruby123
    Ruby123 reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    Miss Greenlips Hine hadnt received any four ingredients recipes from Miss Ruby for a while, and wondered what was going on with her...
  • Ruby123
    Ruby123 reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    The clones arrived in the arctic ice only to find nobody there. There was a sign at the Arctic Ice Hotel saying Santa had moved south...
  • jennymae
    jennymae reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    The clones arrived in the arctic ice only to find nobody there. There was a sign at the Arctic Ice Hotel saying Santa had moved south...
  • jennymae
    jennymae reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    Miss Greenlips Hine sneaked a look at her Tik Tok.There was a new video uploaded by a group who called themselves 'The Clones'. She...
  • jennymae
    jennymae reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    Keisha modelled her magical apparel for Mrs Hairy. See, these are my ruby slippers - they fit! And the crown jewels - also perfect...
  • Ruby123
    Ruby123 reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    Keisha modelled her magical apparel for Mrs Hairy. See, these are my ruby slippers - they fit! And the crown jewels - also perfect...
  • Ruby123
    Ruby123 reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    Miss Greenlips Hine fielded another prank call from Miss Ruby. This time Miss Ruby said President Lanolin had to come to a wedding that...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    Miss Greenlips Hine fielded another prank call from Miss Ruby. This time Miss Ruby said President Lanolin had to come to a wedding that...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    Miss Zipmouth (aka miss Tzipora)'s soliloquy I was born in Japovia, the daughter of a high ranking Japovian official and his wife (who...
  • Ruby123
    Ruby123 reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    One thing the Chieftain did to keep me captive was always complimenting my body, probably as he had nothing else to look at in...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    Miss Zipmouth continued The chieftain was beating Miss Ruby at her lipstick empire thanks to my Japovian lipstick stocks and MLM...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    One thing the Chieftain did to keep me captive was always complimenting my body, probably as he had nothing else to look at in...
  • Ruby123
    Ruby123 reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    Oh dear me, said Dame Edna. I thought you just said hairy. I was getting your request mixed up with Santa's parade costumes. Its not...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    The house penguins in Antarctica had fixed the clone-o-matic after Sir Peter and his wetas had left, they found part of the problem was...
  • Ruby123
    Ruby123 reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    Miss Zipmouth decided she was going to educate herself about Lanolinland since the Chieftain had gagged her and kept her ignorant in...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Surprised to Lanolin's post in the thread The Banned Game.
    Why is Miss Ruby on the naughty list? Asked Mrs Santa Claus concerned. I thought she was an angel. Ho ho Ho, said Santa. Not so fast...